May 26, 2016

Crossing New Fescue Areas

In response to comments received from a number of golfers last season regarding the lack of penalty in the rough, we have expanded some of the fescue areas on the 3rd, 7th, and 8th holes.  Our intention was to add challenge and penalty for lower handicap golfers and longer hitters without impacting the higher handicap and novice golfers.
These areas have been managed to eliminate all but the fine fescue grasses, and we expect the areas to thin out as the warm weather returns.  For the fescue to remain playable and attractive, it is important to eliminate all cart traffic from these areas.  Carts will bend and break the seed heads making it much more difficult to get a golf club to the ball and through the grass making the penalty for an errant shot more severe than intended.
We have added short cuts through the fescue that will allow carts to return to their hole without impacting the areas.  We expect these areas to add character and interest to the holes, and with your cooperation they will provide an attractive visual appeal as well.  The photo below shows the fescue areas and the short cuts in red.

Click on image to enlarge

May 7, 2016

Fore the Golfer: Facts About Fertilization

This article from the USGA provides information about fertilizer use on golf courses.
I typically am very conservative with fertilizer, but the membership survey revealed a desire for thicker rough and greener turf throughout the golf course. In response to these comments, we have increased the amount of fertilizer that will be applied to fairways and rough. The fairway fertilizer will be applied on May 9th, while the rough application will be delayed to avoid excessive growth that would significantly impact playability and pace of play.
We remain committed to environmental stewardship, and will continue to use fertilizer and control products in a safe, responsible manner.