December 11, 2017

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Peter Gorman
Golf Course Superintendent 
Pine Orchard Yacht and Country Club
2 Club Parkway
Branford, CT 06405

October 17, 2017

Preparing for 2018

While many golfers are heading to warmer climates or making room for their clubs in the garage, the golf course maintenance staff is beginning to plan for the 2018 golf season.  The top priority for superintendents and Green Committee members right now is preparing the capital and operating budgets. 
At Pine Orchard, we have a model that few courses utilize, but most should.  The Green Committee developed a detailed Standards and Expectations document that describes the conditions and level of maintenance that is expected on the golf course.  This document serves as the foundation for the Agronomic Plan that the superintendent uses to develop programs, maintenance schedules, and ultimately the budget.  Our budget process utilizes a zero based budget system, where every line item begins with zero dollars at the beginning of the planning process. 
For weeks I have been evaluating the efficacy of all of my programs, and building the framework for the 2018 fertilizer, chemical, and cultural programs.  Each application is planned out by area, and quantities of products calculated and tabulated into a spreadsheet.  The first run of the budget includes every bag of fertilizer, ounce of fungicide, pound of seed, ton of sand, and hour of labor that I would like to use on the golf course in 2018. 
The original budget is always extremely ambitious, and rarely practical when added to the requests from other departments.  We work closely with the finance committee to balance the requests and the available revenue, and then go back to the Green Committee to review and adjust priorities and programs until we achieve a reasonable balance between our desire to improve the golf course and the need to operate in a financially responsible manner. 
Unfortunately, this means there are items and plans in the original budget that will be left on the cutting floor.  Often times golfers will ask why we don't spend more on one program or another, and I am forced to tell them it was cut from the budget.   This often leaves them with the impression that the overall budget has been reduced, when in reality, we are one of very few courses whose budget has not been reduced significantly in recent years.  The reality is that there are many conflicting priorities among a golf membership, and the committee is charged with establishing priorities that will satisfy the largest number of golfers using the financial resources available (including those that feel we spend too much on the golf course). 
Thankfully we have a system in place that includes the committee members in the decision making process, and each of them will have an opportunity to lobby for the programs that they feel will have the greatest impact on the golfers' experience.

Pine Orchard has another unique system in place that provides consistent direction for the strategy and appearance of the golf course over time.  The Golf Long Range Planning Committee will be reviewing the Tree Maintenance Program and providing guidance for proposed projects that are being considered for 2018.  They serve as the protector of the golf course from personal agendas and drastic shifts in priorities.  One of their key roles is approving any tree removals from the golf course that have an impact on play. 
As part of this process, I thought I would share an interesting video and article from the USGA that describes the impact of trees on a golf course.  As a superintendent, my top priority is maintaining healthy turf which requires maximizing sun exposure.  Turf growing in shaded environments requires more care and maintenance, including fertilizer, control products, and labor, compared to areas that receive full sun exposure throughout the day.  The pictures below are worth more than a thousand words, they are worth thousands of lumens to the turf.  If that is not enough to convince you of the need for an effective tree management program, check out this feature from the USGA that discusses trees, and their impact on golf courses. 
Thanks again for your support, and remember that there are still plenty of days to sneak in a round of golf before Old Man Winter shuts us down for the season.

Click here for "5 Things To Know About Trees" from the USGA

May 23, 2017

Protect Yourself From Lyme Disease

Lyme disease is a serious illness caused that was first diagnosed in Old Lyme, CT in 1975. While often associated with the southern New England Region, the disease has been reported in 49 states, and internationally across North America, Europe, and Asia.i  Symptoms of the disease include fatigue, fever, joint and muscle pain, and headache.  Initial signs of infection may include a characteristic bullseye rash, but this is not always evident making early detection difficult.  The Center for Disease Control (CDC) estimates that there are over 300,00 new Lyme disease infections in the United States each year, more than breast cancer, colon cancer, HIV, and hepatitis.  The disease is caused by a bacterium transmitted by black legged ticks (commonly called deer ticks), which are found in woodland and grassland areas.  In addition to Lyme disease, black legged ticks also transmit, human babesiosis, and human anaplasmosis.

The purpose of this article is:
  1. To provide information about the potential risk associated with Lyme Disease and other tick borne illnesses 
  2. To help golfers understand how to protect themselves while enjoying the many health and social benefits realized when playing golf  
  3. To reduce the risk of infection by providing practical personal protection recommendations 
  4. To provide additional sources of information that will help people learn more about this disease, and how to minimize the risk of exposure for themselves, their family, and their pets. 
Photo by Scott Bauer
Life Cycle of Black Legged Ticks There are four stages to the tick life cycle; eggs, larvae, nymphs, and adults.  The larvae, nymphs, and adults all feed on blood from mammals during each stage of development.   Ticks cannot jump or fly, and therefore must wait for a host to pass close enough to grab on with their front legs.  The tick often climbs up a blade of grass, and extends its legs as a potential host approaches.  Once the tick finds a host and finds a suitable place to feed, it feeds slowly, typically taking a few days to complete a meal.
Detection and Prevention Black legged ticks are smaller than American Dog Ticks making them more difficult to detect.  slightly larger than the dark brown male, which is approximately the size of the head of a pin.  Once engorged, the females of both species are similar in size, and therefore are difficult to tell apart.   There are three common strategies to reduce the risk of exposure to ticks; protect your property, protect your pets, and protect your person.  Of these three recommendations, protecting your body is the most practical strategy for avoiding exposure on golf courses.   Although golf courses are often criticized and targeted for their use of pest control products, the perception that they apply broad spectrum toxic chemicals could not be further from the truth.

Golf courses provide numerous benefits to the local ecosystem including habitat for native birds, animals, and pollinators, large areas of groundwater recharge in highly developed areas, and effective filtration of precipitation and runoff from impervious surfaces. Golf course superintendents pride themselves on being stewards of the environment, and develop effective programs to reduce their reliance on irrigation, fertilizer, and pesticides.  One strategy to achieve this is converting highly managed turf areas to naturalized meadows that are characterized by native grasses and plants that receive reduced maintenance.  These areas, especially near the margins of woodlands, represent the highest probability of encounters with ticks.  Treating large areas of turf with insecticides to control ticks would eliminate beneficial non-target insects, which goes against the original motivation of establishing the naturalized areas.  These applications are only effective at controlling ticks for a few weeks, and repeat applications consume valuable labor and financial resources that could be used for other areas on the golf course. The best strategy to protect yourself from ticks is to protect your body.  Treat golf shoes and clothing with permethrin, and use an effective insect repellant that contains DEET and Picaridin that can last five hours.  These steps represent the safest approach to avoiding exposure to Lyme disease and other tick-borne illnesses.   Clothing treatments can be found on the internet and at many outdoor outfitting stores.  The chemical used in these products kills ticks on contact, and poses very little risk to humans or mammals.  A video entitled “Beat ticks by treating clothes!” can be found on YouTube.  When treating clothing, remember to treat the inside surfaces of pants and shorts as well.  Pre-treated clothing is also available for purchase from many top outdoor outfitters, and some treatments can last up to 70 washes.

3 Steps to Avoid Lyme Disease 
    • Eliminate leaf litter and overgrown vegetation that may provide habitat for ticks 
    • Remove piles of wood or brush that may be inhabited by small mammals that serve as a food source for tick larvae and nymphs 
    • Photo by Scott Bauer
    • Hire a licensed professional to apply an insecticide to the perimeter of your property to control tick populations 
    • Use tick repelling collars or flea and tick control products on your pets
    • Brush and bathe pets regularly to help detect ticks before they enter your home 
    • Wear light colored clothing to make it easier to see ticks before they attach to your skin
    • Tuck your pants into your socks when hiking in woods or grasslands
    • Use an insect repellant that will repel ticks and other nuisance insects
    • Treat your shoes and clothes with an insect repellant that contains permethrin
    • After spending time outdoors, kill hidden ticks by placing your clothes in the drier for at least 20 minutes before washing them
    • Perform a thorough tick check before getting into the shower 

Dr. Kirby Stafford III of the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station authored “The Tick Management Handbook, a integrated guide for homeowners, pest control operators, and public health officials for the prevention of tick-associated disease.”  It provides a thorough description of tick born illnesses and ways to protect yourself from exposure.   The US EPA has a very useful resource that helps identify insect repellants that will be effective for tick, mosquitos, and other nuisance insects for a period of over five hours.  This information can be found at  Selecting the right product can provide hours of protection and peace of mind while you are spending time on the golf course or enjoying other outdoor activities.

 Like many outdoor activities, golf offers a variety of physical and psychological health benefits. While Lyme Disease is a serious threat to people that work and play outdoors, a few simple steps can significantly reduce the risk associated with spending time in nature.  First, inform yourself about the symptoms of the disease, how it is contracted, and the recommendations that will help avoid infection.  Second, protect your property and your pets to avoid bringing ticks into your home.  Finally, research and select the best method of protecting yourself from black legged ticks while you are on the golf course or enjoying other outdoor activities.

i Tick Handbook, K. Stafford III, Chief Scientist, Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station, New Haven

March 6, 2017

Lyme Disease Prevention Project coming to Pine Orchard

Health benefits associated with playing golf are widely recognized by golfers, especially as we get older and look for lower impact forms of exercise.  After walking 18 holes last fall I checked my smartphone to see if it recorded how far I had walked.  It showed that I had walked over six miles.  The scorecard says the course is 6400 yards, which equates to 3.6 miles, and the number of strokes it recorded accounted for much of the additional ground I covered that day.
While playing golf provides numerous health benefits, we must be careful to protect ourselves from a particularly dangerous hazard...Lyme Disease.  Last winter I started working on a Lyme Disease Education and Prevention project, and I will be forwarding the information and recommendations to the membership in order to help prepare them for the coming golf season.
I recently saw a post on Twitter indicating that 2017 looks like Lyme Disease infection rates could be on the rise.  Here is a link to an article on NPR that explains a few reasons that we should be extra diligent this year.
In the coming weeks I will provide additional resources that will help us protect ourselves, our pets, and our properties.   Keep checking this site for a variety of information that we hope helps you enjoy your time at Pine Orchard Yacht and Country Club.

February 28, 2017

Peter Gorman shared a link: Wide Swings Are Bad Things

The recent "Warm Wave" that we experienced has many golfers hoping for an early spring.   Extreme temperature swings cause anxiety among superintendents this time of year, especially those who manage turf in shaded areas.  
Here is an article from the USGA that sheds some light on the subject of winter hardiness for golf course turf. 

Peter Gorman
Golf Course Superintendent 
Pine Orchard Yacht and Country Club
2 Club Parkway
Branford, CT 06405

January 17, 2017

POYCC Weather Station is now live!

We have installed a new weather station on the golf course, which anyone can use to get up to the minute weather conditions for our exact location.  We will use the information to make decisions regarding irrigation and other management programs.  You may want to use it to decide whether to wear shorts or bring a sweater when you come down to enjoy a round of golf.

The weather station is connected to WeatherUnderground, and can be accessed from your computer or smartphone.  Here's how...

From your smartphone:

  1. Download the WeatherUnderground app
  2. Click on the search icon in the upper right corner (looks like a magnifying glass)
  3. Type "06405" in the search box, and select "06405 - Branford, CT" when it appears, then click "Refine".
  4. Click on the icon located on Pine Orchard Road, and "View Station".  This will show you the current conditions and forecast for our weather station.

On your computer:

  1. Visit  and enter 06405 in the Search Locations box at the top of the screen.
  2. At the top left, under Branford, CT , click on the link to "Change Stations", and select POYCC (KCTBRANF17).
You will now see the exact weather conditions observed on the golf course.  If you click on the POYCC weather station link on the top left, you will see a more detailed report, including a variety of historical information.
We expect the new weather station to be an extremely useful tool for managing the golf course, and we hope it provides a little extra value to the services offered by the club.