We have installed a new weather station on the golf course, which anyone can use to get up to the minute weather conditions for our exact location. We will use the information to make decisions regarding irrigation and other management programs. You may want to use it to decide whether to wear shorts or bring a sweater when you come down to enjoy a round of golf.
The weather station is connected to WeatherUnderground, and can be accessed from your computer or smartphone. Here's how...
From your smartphone:
- Download the WeatherUnderground app
- Click on the search icon in the upper right corner (looks like a magnifying glass)
- Type "06405" in the search box, and select "06405 - Branford, CT" when it appears, then click "Refine".
- Click on the icon located on Pine Orchard Road, and "View Station". This will show you the current conditions and forecast for our weather station.
On your computer:
- Visit www.weatherunderground.com and enter 06405 in the Search Locations box at the top of the screen.
- At the top left, under Branford, CT , click on the link to "Change Stations", and select POYCC (KCTBRANF17).
You will now see the exact weather conditions observed on the golf course. If you click on the POYCC weather station link on the top left, you will see a more detailed report, including a variety of historical information.
We expect the new weather station to be an extremely useful tool for managing the golf course, and we hope it provides a little extra value to the services offered by the club.