I have been getting a fair amount of pressure to open the greens over the last few weeks, mostly from the same person. I am well aware that he is not the only person that wants the greens open, but he is the only one that has approached me directly about it. He happens to be on the Green Committee so I feel it is appropriate that he do so, and I appreciate that he comes to me directly, makes his argument, and leaves me to do what I feel is best for the course in the long run. I also appreciate the fact that the rest of the members that are just as eager to get out and play have not been beating down my door pressuring me to open. That would put me in a difficult situation; make the easy decision to satisfy the group of members that want to play early, or make the difficult decision that is in the best interest of the entire membership and wait until the greens are able to recover from ball marks. In both cases I have been allowed to make the recommendation that I believe gives us the best opportunity to start the season off on the right foot.
We discussed the issue at the Green Committee meeting the other night and I want to share some of the things that I consider each year when we make the decision to open or close the greens;
- This is not my golf course. I am hired by the members to make recommendations that are in the best interest of the members first, and the golf course second.
- I resist the temptation to compare your course to others in the area that may be open (or closed) at a given time. Our situation is extremely unique in that the majority of our greens receive twice the wear and tear per 18-hole round relative to most golf courses, since we play all but one of our greens twice each round. To those that may say that I tend to be too conservative I would argue that this is the most important risk/reward decision of the year.
- Once I feel that the turf is able to withstand the rigors of preparing the greens for play, I begin daily conversations with the Green Chairman. The first conversation describes the steps that will be taken, and when we will be able to begin the process. The last few conversations do not occur on the phone or via email, they happen on the golf course.
"So, what is the process" you might ask.
- First, we will roll the greens to ensure that the surface is firm enough that the triplex mower used in the subsequent steps will not damage the surface.
- The second step is to verticut the greens to redistribute the sand topdressing that was applied in December. This will help provide a firm, smooth surface in the coming weeks.
- Next, we use brushes to help work the sand into the surface to protect the mowers that will be used for the first mowing. A little rain after this step also helps in the process.
- Once we feel that the sand has been worked in, we will roll the greens again before the first mowing. This mowing cleans up any growth left over from the end of last year, and triggers a growth response within the plants. The next few mowings usually take place every 4 or 5 days.
One final thought to keep in mind, especially when the daytime temperatures climb into the 60's; plant growth and recovery is based on soil temperature, and overnight lows have a greater influence on soil temperature this time of year than the daytime highs. This means that the putting surfaces will be inconsistent until the different types of grass break dormancy. But that is for a later discussion.
#5 Green - March 11, 2011 |
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