On the surface this looks like a no brainer. Eliminate pesticide use at schools to protect our children. In reality it is a tactic to prevent the responsible use of pesticides everywhere. The proposed legislation is based entirely on emotion rather than science.
Professional turf organizations asked to have a study designed and completed to determine the actual level of exposure to pesticides on fields managed under mandated Integrated Pest Management protocols. While there is evidence that some pesticides pose a potential threat to human health, there is not evidence that connects the exposure to a dose that correlates to increased risk of illness.
The initial restriction was for grades k-8. The new bill expands that to all schools AND municipal grounds. Golf courses will be next. That will significantly affect our ability to provide the playing conditions that modern golfers enjoy and have come to expect.
The initial restriction was for grades k-8. The new bill expands that to all schools AND municipal grounds. Golf courses will be next. That will significantly affect our ability to provide the playing conditions that modern golfers enjoy and have come to expect.
Please read the message below and consider encouraging your legislator to make decisions based on science rather than unfounded claims based on emotion.
Pete Gorman
Golf Course Superintendent
Pine Orchard Yacht & Country Club
Branford, CT
Begin forwarded message:
From: CAGCS <maryjo@cagcs.com>
Date: April 14, 2014 at 2:11:13 PM EDT
To: petegorman@ymail.com
Subject: Urgent request for residents of: Branford, Bridgeport, Glastonbury, Manchester & Tolland towns.
CAGCS Meeting Notice
Urgent request for residents of: Branford, Bridgeport, Glastonbury, Manchester & Tolland towns.
I am writing to ask your assistance, CTEC is counting votes in the Planning & Development committee for a vote tomorrow at 1 PM.
We need these specific areas to get involved! Bridgeport, Tolland, Branford, Glastonbury, Manchester to contact their legislators on the Planning and Development Committee and ask them to vote no on SB68.
Below is our Action Alert:
Call and/or email members of the Planning & Development Committee to OPPOSE SB68 by Tuesday, April 15th at 1 p.m. Call 860-240-0550.
A list of committee members can be found at http://www.cga.ct.gov/asp/menu/MemberList.asp?comm_code=PD
Background: SB68 has been amended and now EXPANDS THE BAN on use of EPA registered PESTICIDES on school grounds to include grades K-12.
Today's pesticide products represent an important, effective tool to more than 8,000 trained and licensed Connecticut professionals like me who work hard to keep outdoor spaces healthy and safe.
Well-designed integrated pest management (IPM) programs can reduce pesticide use by using maintenance and sanitation as the first line of defense against insects, rodents and noxious weeds.
However, pesticides do plays a valuable role in IPM programs by providing reliable pest control and preventing pest problems from reaching dangerous levels.
The proper and judicious use of pesticide products help protect towns from harmful pests, noxious weeds and allows for safer playing fields.
SB68 Bans the use of EPA registered synthetic pesticides on school grounds, parks, playgrounds, athletic fields and municipal greens.
Any questions or concern - contact:
Scott Ramsay, CGCS
Government Relations Chairperson
Connecticut Association of Golf Course Superintendents, Inc
P.O. Box 3678, Woodbridge, CT 06525
Telephone: (203) 387-0810
Toll Free: (888) 561-7778
Fax: (203) 387-7866
E-Mail Address: cagcs@cagcs.com
Website: http://www.cagcs.com
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/CAGCS
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