February 7, 2014

Golf Industry Show - Orlando 2014

I just returned from the Golf Industry Show in Orlando. This event brings most of the top professional organizations, associations and individuals together annually to help improve and grow the game of golf. I participated as a member of the Golf Course Superintendents Association of America (GCSAA) and a board member of the Connecticut Association of Golf Course Superintendents (CAGCS).

The Golf Course Superintendents Association of America (GCSAA) put on one of the best education conferences I have ever attended. I was able to listen to and interact with some of the top minds in turf research. Each year I try to select education focused on a certain topic, such as agronomics, budgeting, personnel management, or professional development. This year I selected two seminars focused primarily on plant health. I won't even bore you with the titles, but they centered on creating an environment where the plants would be healthy enough to tolerate the stress associated with producing firm, fast playing conditions, and how to use this stress to your advantage to create a more sustainable system. In addition to the paid seminars I attended a number of free group sessions, including one that featured the superintendents from Medinah and Merion sharing their experiences preparing for the Ryder Cup and U.S. Open. The talk was originally supposed to discuss aeration strategies, but it quickly evolved into a more general conversation about topdressing, rolling, and a host of other topics that contribute to satisfying golfers at the highest level in golf.

There were also hospitality events and celebrations that brought turf professionals from around the world together in relaxed settings where relationships could be developed and experiences shared. It has been my experience that we find more value in this part of the conference than we do looking at bar graphs and photos of dead grass in a seminar. I was watching the Super Bowl in a restaurant where Bayer Environmental was hosting forty of the top turf researchers from around the country. Over the course of the night a few of them ventured over to our table and shared ideas about hot topics in turf research, the potential of new products, and even a few laughs about past dinners and seminars. Over the years I have learned that the conversations that take place beyond the walls of the conference center provide the most value in the long term, as they often lead to support and advice that helps us save money or improve conditions back at our clubs.

While visiting the trade show I saw a number of exciting new products ($$$) and ideas that I will try to utilize this year:
  • I saw the latest model sprayers from TORO, and was given the rundown from a former classmate who pointed out the most improved features and how they had improved his programs.
  • I found a vendor that was selling mini-golf kits that could be used to engage kids and improve their ability to develop into avid golfers, which is critical to the future of the game.
  • The vendor that sold us our roller and grinders introduced me to a company whose product claims to improve irrigation efficiency and reduces water use through magnetism. I am very skeptical but it is definitely worth a free demo and some further investigation.
  •  I met with one of the contractors that is being considered for our fairway renovation project. I updated him on the status of our project and inquired about their schedule, and inquired about their availability in the future. I was pleased to hear that the number of bids was increasing indicating that the golf industry is recovering, but was a little concerned by the fact that they were busy enough to be more selective in the projects that they would consider.
Overall it was a great trip and I learned a lot, but I am glad to be home, and am eager to incorporate everything I learned into the coming golf season.
I hope you find an opportunity to steal away from the "Polar Vortex" and get to enjoy some sun, and maybe even sneak in a few holes while you're at it.

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